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SAFE-6G project is featured in HiPEACinfo 72 magazine. You may find all about our project in page 22. The theme of this magazine is cybersecurity. HiPEAC has covered cybersecurity in computing since...
The SNS Journal 2024 prepared by the SNS OPS project has been released. This second issue aims to present the Call2 projects launched in early 2024 and give a flavour of the Call1 project’s first...
SAFE-6G project was represented at the EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 by several partners. Our partners were eager to share our latest advancements in 6G security and collaborate with industry experts to...
SAFE-6G project was present at the “SNS Stream B/D Projects on KPIs and KVIs Workshop”. Telefonica partner, presented the overview along with insights about the KPIs and KVIs of the...
We’re eager to share our latest advancements in 6G security and collaborate with industry experts to shape the future of communications. Join us in Antwerp, Belgium, as we dive into...
Carlos Palau from Universitat Politècnica de València UPV participated in the 3rd Peer Learning Event of the Skills2Scale project in the Czech Republic, hosted by the Technical University of Liberec...