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SAFE-6G Press Release on Open Capif

The SAFE-6G project has introduced the Open CAPIF Framework as part of its efforts to enhance security in 6G networks. This new framework provides an open interface for seamless integration and...

ETSI Announces the 1st Release of SDG OpenCAPIF

OpenCAPIF develops a Common API Framework as defined by 3GPP and this new version introduces several improvements and new features to deliver a more robust, secure, and efficient API Management...

6G Standards Tracker Launched by SNS JU

The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) has launched a new Standards Tracker for monitoring the progress of telecommunications standards related to 6G. This tool provides insights...

6G4Society Survey

With this survey, 6G4Society seek insights for providing support and leverage synergies within the SNS landscape, with the final aim of enhancing project outcomes in these areas. Find more information...

“Impact of Inter-Operator Interference via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” Paper

The SAFE-6G journal paper entitled “Impact of Inter-Operator Interference via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” is now available. The paper was submitted by University of West Attica...

SAFE-6G in Zenodo

SAFE-6G project is now on ZENODO. You may find our community here: Do not forget to follow us for more material. Zenodo is a general-purpose research...