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SAFE-6G project is one of the 27 winner projects of the 2nd SNS Call
The SNS JU now counts a portfolio of 62 research, innovation, and trials projects, with 27 new projects selected following the evaluation of proposals submitted under the SNS JU second call. The 27 projects announced today launch the second phase of the SNS Roadmap, which will be further expanded with the future 3rd and 4th SNS JU Calls and the resulting projects that will kickstart their activities within 2025 and 2026 respectively. The launch of the new projects follows the formal decision of the SNS JU Governing Board.
SAFE-6G is a winner of the “Reliable Services and Smart Security: Ensuring a secure transition to 6G that prioritises user data protection and privacy, reliability, trust and resilience” portofolio.
You may learn more here: https://smart-networks.europa.eu/6g-research-gets-a-130-million-eur-eu-funding-boost-in-europe