All published articles related to SAFE-6G will be presented in detail on the following sections.
- SNS PROJECTS @ “Empowering 6G Networks: 1st Workshop on Advancements in Research Infrastructures, Adaptive Frameworks and Global Architectural Evolution (ATHENA 2024): https://www.eurescom.eu/event/
sns-projects-empowering-6g- networks-1st-workshop-on- advancements-in-research- infrastructures-adaptive- frameworks-and-global- architectural-evolution- athena-2024/ - SNS Newslflash, August 2024: https://smart-networks.europa.
eu/sns-ju-august-2024- newsflash/ - 6G SNS ,6G RESEARCH GETS A 130 MILLION EUR EU FUNDING BOOST IN EUROPE: https://smart-networks.europa.
eu/6g-research-gets-a-130- million-eur-eu-funding-boost- in-europe - 6G is coming to change the world (in Greek): https://mikrofwno.gr/2024/09/
to-6g-erchetai-gia-na- allaksei-ton-kosmo/ - SAFE-6G journal paper: “A User-Centric Perspective of 6G Networks: A Survey” now available: https://smart-networks.europa.
eu/safe-6g-journal-paper-a- user-centric-perspective-of- 6g-networks-a-survey-now- available/