
Deliverable No.Deliverable NameLeading BeneficiaryDissemination LevelDue Date (Month)Download
D1.1Project Management HandbookTIDSEN3
D1.2Ethics, Legal Aspects and Data Management PlanIQBTSEN3
D1.3Progress Report (Intermediate)TIDSEN18
D1.4Report on Ethics, Legal Aspects and Data ManagementIQBTSEN18
D1.5Progress Report (Final)TIDSEN36
D2.1Definition of Technical Requirements for user-centric 6G TrustworthinessTHAPU8PDF
D2.2Overall SAFE-6G Framework and Reference Architecture DesignNCSRDPU10PDF
D2.3Metaverse use-cases definition with virtual-assistant for user-centric configurationIMMPU12PDF
D2.46G Trustworthiness KPI & KVI definition and validation methodologyTIDPU14
D3.1User-centric Distributed 6G Core over Edge-Cloud Continuum with
MLOps supporting Metaverse pilots
D3.2Cloud continuum, service mesh and resource orchestrationUPVPU30
D3.3User-centric Distributed 6G CoreCMCPU30
D3.4Infrastructure openess, monitoring and programmabilityNCSRDPU30
D3.5MLOps for User-centric 6G System with differential privacyATOSPU30
D3.6Metaverse use-cases development and user--centric configurationIMMPU30
D4.1Cognitive coordinator, AI agents and user-centric functionsIQBTPU18
D4.2Cognitive coordinator and (X)AI aggregator of Human Centric 6G TrustworthinessTHAPU33
D4.3User-centric Safety functiomEBOSPU33
D4.4User-centric Security functionIQBTPU33
D4.5User-centric Privacy functionSHGPU33
D4.6User-centric Resilience functionTIDPU33
D4.7User-centric Reliability functionUNIWAPU33
D5.1Integration activities and Digital Twin of SAFE-6G pilot (Intermediate)CMCPU25
D5.2Integration activities and Digital Twin of SAFE-6G pilot (Final)NCSRDPU35
D5.3System Level verification, use-cases execution and analysis of KPIs / KVIsTIDPU36
D6.1Dissemination, Communication and 6G-IA/SNS Engagement PlanINFPU6PDF
D6.2Standarisation, innovation, Exploitation and technology Transfer PlanTHAPU8PDF
D6.3Dissemination, Communication and 6G-IA/SNS Engagement Activities (Intermediate)TIDPU18
D6.4Standarisation, innovation, Exploitation and technology Transfer Activities (Intermediate)THAPU18
D6.5Dissemination, Communication and 6G-IA/SNS Engagement Activities (Final)INFPU36
D6.6Standarisation, innovation, Exploitation and technology Transfer Activities (Final)8BELLSSEN36
D7.1OEI - Requirements No. 1IQBTSEN1
D7.2OEI - Requirements No. 2TIDSEN13
D7.3OEI - Requirements No. 3TIDSEN29