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SAFE-6G announced at Hipeac website

SAFE-6G project has been announced at the Hipeac platform.

HiPEAC (High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing) is the premier focal point for networking, dissemination, training, and collaboration activities in Europe for researchers, industry, and policy related to computing systems. Today, its network, the biggest of its kind in Europe, numbers over 2,000 specialists.

HiPEAC’s mission is to advance computer architecture and computing systems research and development as a discipline in Europe. Its objectives are to:

Secure and strengthen a leading position for Europe in computing systems that support all aspects of modern society by advancing computing systems as a discipline.
Prepare the next generation of world-class computing systems scientists and engineers in Europe by supporting their academic and professional development.
Build a dynamic ecosystem for the design and implementation of computing systems in Europe by bringing together European research, industry, SMEs, and policy.
Align research efforts in computing systems and strengthen research impact in Europe by identifying long-term challenges in computing systems and articulating their impact on modern society.

Find more information here:


SAFE-6G objectives

SAFE-6G project is based on 6 Objectives.
  • Establish the 6G trustworthiness requirements considering the various risks of a human- centric 6G ecosystem (safety, security, privacy, resilience, reliability) in order to design, build and release a zero-touch holistic E2E cognitive trustworthiness framework for user-centric distributed 6G architectures over the (far) edge-cloud continuum, capable of enabling and supporting the deployment of trusted instances/slices of the user/human centric 6G system driven by the user’s intent and utilizing distributed AI/ML techniques across the entire ecosystem.
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of a cognitive coordination framework of the distributed FL-driven (X)AI techniques that realise the level of trust (LoT) at each user-centric 6G System instance both for the USN and NSN planes across the edge-cloud continuum, together with an MLOps training framework that continuously assesses and optimises the distributed AI/ML models.
  • Design and development of the five AI-assisted user-centric functions (safety, security, privacy, resilience and reliability) that altogether in a zero-trust approach and under cognitive coordination realize the native trustworthiness of a user-centric distributed 6G ecosystem. The functions will consider all the lifecycle phases of the USN and NSN functions, i.e. a) before service deployment, b) during service deployment (operation), c) after service deployment (decommitment), establishing an elastic and scalable trustworthiness regime.
  • The cloud-native paradigm over the edge-cloud continuum will be followed for the whole design and development of the whole SAFE-6G framework components and the user-centric distributed 5G/6G core network over the edge cloud continuum. Moreover, compatibility with currently developing edge- cloud continuum MetaOS, such as the one of aerOS Horizon Europe project, will be pursued, reassuring interoperability, compatibility and sustainability of the proposed SAFE-6G framework in future deployments.
  • Verifying and validating the proposed SAFE-6G framework using two Metaverse-based pilots, where the immersive-applications will be tested considering different 6G system setups, different service flavors and deployments, under various threats and attacks, setting different trust levels as defined by user-requirements, verifying a number of different AI/ML methods, as well as the cognitive coordinator performance.
  • Maximization of impact and adoption of SAFE-6G results through wide dissemination, communication, capacity building, standardisation and exploitation measures, as well as successful demonstration of the proof-of-concept system to relevant stakeholders, including industry partners and regulatory bodies.
You may find more information here:

European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond 2023

The 6G-IA, which is proud to have more than 110 SME members, is driving 6G research in Europe. Together with the European Commission, the 6G-IA is running the 6G Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU). This major research program will invest at least 1.8 billion Euros over its eight-year timeframe and aims to bring technological leadership to Europe in the vital area of 6G. In the context of the SNS-JU and the previous 5G research program 5G-PPP, the 6G-IA has been active in trying to ensure a high SME participation. This has become a key goal of both partnerships because SMEs are recognized as the catalyst for innovation. Their ability for “out of the box” thinking and their agility to rapidly develop and test ideas in multiple sectors, have been important assets in the industrial digitization of the so-called vertical industries. Joining forces between SMEs and the key ICT companies has been one of the key factors driving the overall success of the 5G PPP programme.


6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” event

Christos Xenakis (InQbit – The Q-Bit Innovation) represented our project in the “6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” event which took place on 23rd of January. Professor Xenakis took part in the “Crypto-based technologies application in 6G” panel session. You may find more information here:

The 6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” event was organised by the SNS OPS project, ECSO and Networld Europe. It took place on the 23 of January 2024 in Paris, France, hosted by PTTC (Transfer Programme at the Cyber Campus). “6Gsec CP²” brings together the Cyber and 6G communities to discuss:

  • European policies, threat landscapes and known challenges
  • Current Research and innovation agendas
  • Technical focus and collaboration perspectives
  • This event is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from both the Cyber and 6G communities to come together and share their insights on how to ensure the security of 6G networks and services. 

The event featured several keynote speakers, as well as panel discussions and technical sessions addressing the topics below:

  • The future of cybersecurity in the 6G era
  • Opportunities to build mutual understanding,
  • Research roadmap convergence and collaborations between the Cyber and 6G communities

SAFE-6G kick-off meeting

The SAFE-6G kick-off meeting took place in Telefonica premises in Madrid. It was a 2-day meeting (16-17 January 2024) full of presentations and dicussions about the project’s initial period. Our kick-off meeting brought together a diverse group of talented individuals, each bringing their unique skills and expertise to the table. The group photo reflects not just faces, but a collective spirit fueled by passion and commitment to our shared goals. 


Welcome Message

SAFE-6G project is one of the 27 winner projects of the 2nd SNS Call
The SNS JU now counts a portfolio of 62 research, innovation, and trials projects, with 27 new projects selected following the evaluation of proposals submitted under the SNS JU second call. The 27 projects announced today launch the second phase of the SNS Roadmap, which will be further expanded with the future 3rd and 4th SNS JU Calls and the resulting projects that will kickstart their activities within 2025 and 2026 respectively. The launch of the new projects follows the formal decision of the SNS JU Governing Board.
SAFE-6G is a winner of the “Reliable Services and Smart Security: Ensuring a secure transition to 6G that prioritises user data protection and privacy, reliability, trust and resilience” portofolio.
You may learn more here: