Category: <span>Featured</span>


“A Proof of Concept Implementation of an AI-assisted User-Centric…

The SAFE-6G paper entitled “A Proof of Concept Implementation of an AI-assisted User-Centric 6G Network” accepted at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 is now available! 

The design of the 6G system will be based on a user-centric paradigm, enabling users to be involved in the creation and the management of network services and also providing them with a highly customized network experience. This paper proposes a realization of this paradigm by proposing a core network redesign from “Network Function-focus” to “User-focus” in conjunction with an AI-assisted approach that self-organises the network according to the user-requirements. A proof of concept implementation is presented based on both simulated and physical deployments, that demonstrate an optimal UPF placement taking into consideration user’s preferences, proving the validity of the proposed approach.

Find it online here:


“The potential of FUTURE CONNECTIVITY SYSTEMS for Vertical Industries:…

The widespread implementation of 5G and 6G technologies is poised to revolutionise a broad spectrum of sectors, including automotive, smart cities, Industry 4.0, and media. These advancements, driven by the potential for ground-breaking reallife applications such as autonomous vehicles, sophisticated urban management systems, and smart manufacturing, provide transformative practical solutions forindustries. Through the 5G PPP programme (2014-2023), Europe has been at the forefront of integrating these technologies, viewing the transition as not just technological but as a broad societal transformation. In this context, significant investments have been channelled into research and innovation, standardisation, and the development of practical applications across various sectors. This has included extensive trial and pilot projects to test and refine 5G applications, contributing to the development of an online tool, the Verticals Cartography. This tool maps 5G use cases sponsored by 5G PPP and assesses readiness across different sectors, identifying gaps and trends for future development. This white paper examines the functionality and impact of the Verticals Cartography tool, detailing its role in tracking 5G advancements. In particular, it showcases key datasets on emerging trends to understand industry-specific applications, guide future policy, and devise effective industry standards.

Find it online here:


NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” Summer School 

The Front Research Group of NCSRD actively engaged researchers and postgraduate students in discussions about SAFE-6G objectives and 6G experimentation during the poster session of the event.

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras, head of FRONT Research Group and Leader of Athens 6G testbed, stated: “ We had the opportunity to share SAFE-6G’s vision for 6G experimentation with young researchers and postgraduate students, who need access to 6G experimentation testbeds for performing their research. SAFE-6G, as the pan-European federated B5G/6G experimentation facility, can meet this need by offering applied testing and experimentation.”

The event, which focused on Information Technology and Telecommunications, Nanotechnology and Modern Materials, and Energy, Environment, and Safety, provided a dynamic platform for researchers and postgraduate students to exchange insights, forge new partnerships, and explore cutting-edge innovations.

INFOLYSiS, an SME partner of the project, also participated in the SAFE-6G booth, communicating the importance of B5G/6G experimentation for building innovative services and products and explaining how SAFE-6G supports this through its federated open experimentation 6G testbeds.

Both teams engaged participants in in-depth discussions, highlighting the project’s transformative potential. The vibrant roll-up banner showcased technological advancements and our commitment to advancing the fields of communication, materials science, and environmental sustainability. The SAFE-6G communication was also complemented with project materials such as leaflets and stickers.


OpenCAPIF presentation at SAFE-6G’s plenary meeting 2 July

SAFE-6G is active member of the OpenCAPIF ecosystem. Our Technical Manager made a dedicated presentation about OpenCAPIF during our last plenary meeting. OpenCAPIF results from EU Research project Evolved-5G. See current list of OpenCAPIF Members and Participants. ETSI Software Development Group OpenCAPIF (SDG OCF) is developing an open source Common API Framework, as defined by 3GPP, allowing to expose and consume APIs in a secure and consisten way. The group liaises with relevant standards bodies and projects working on network transformation such as the 3GPP, TM Forum, ETSI ZSM, ETSI NFV, ETSI MEC, OpenSourceMANO, TeraFlowSDN and OpenSlice.

You may find more information here:


HiPEACinfo 72 magazine is now available! 

SAFE-6G project is featured in HiPEACinfo 72 magazine. You may find all about our project in page 22. The theme of this magazine is cybersecurity. HiPEAC has covered cybersecurity in computing since the first HiPEAC Vision document in 2007, but it is fair to say that most computer architects are more concerned about performance and power consumption than about cybersecurity.

Find the magazine here:



The SNS Journal 2024 prepared by the SNS OPS project has been released. This second issue aims to present the Call2 projects launched in early 2024 and give a flavour of the Call1 project’s first achievements after 1 year of operation.

2023 market important milestones for the SNS Community and the JU. From the technological requirements analysis, use case definitions, and architectural designs, to the early insights of the R&I projects. From the enlargement of the international and EU ecosystem of the SNS JU to the monitoring and analysis of global 6G trends and innovative collaboration tools delivered by the Coordination and Support Action projects. All projects have contributed to the successful start of Europe’s 6G journey and the establishment of a strong foundation for further EU-based technological advancements.

Find it online here:


SAFE-6G at the EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024

SAFE-6G project was represented at the EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 by several partners. Our partners were eager to share our latest advancements in 6G security and collaborate with industry experts to shape the future of communications. The SAFE-6G paper entitled “A Proof of Concept Implementation of an AI-assisted User-Centric 6G Network” was also presented in the context of the event. SAFE-6G has also strong presence in the 6G SNS booth.

The 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit built on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference was sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It brought together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 900 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes.


SNS Stream B/D Projects on KPIs and KVIs Workshop 

SAFE-6G project was present at the “SNS Stream B/D Projects on KPIs and KVIs Workshop”. Telefonica partner, presented the overview along with insights about the KPIs and KVIs of the project.

The event held online on the 16th May from 09:00 to 12:30 CET.

The session included participants and presentations from the following projects:

Stream D projects: TrialsNet, FIDAL, TARGET-X, IMAGINE-B5G
Stream B projects: ORIGAMI, PRIVATEER, Deterministic6G, Hexa-X-II, SAFE-6G, 6GTandem, PREDICT

Find out more here: