“Impact of Inter-Operator Interference via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” Paper

The SAFE-6G journal paper entitled “Impact of Inter-Operator Interference via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” is now available. The paper was submitted by University of West Attica team. 

A wireless communication system is studied that operates in the presence of multiple reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). In particular, a multi-operator environment is considered where each operator utilizes an RIS to enhance its communication quality. Although out-of-band interference does not exist (since each operator uses isolated spectrum resources), RISs controlled by different operators do affect the system performance of one another due to the inherently rapid phase shift adjustments that occur on an independent basis. The system performance of such a communication scenario is analytically studied for the practical case where discrete-only phase shifts occur at RIS. The proposed framework is quite general since it is valid under arbitrary channel fading conditions as well as the presence (or not) of the transceiver’s direct link. Finally, the derived analytical results are verified via numerical and simulation trial as well as some novel and useful engineering outcomes are manifested.

You may find more information here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10589584